The conversational podcast where you will learn to recognize the every day encounters that seem mundane but have the ability to transform your very existence. On AfterTheWell we're going to be talking with all types of people from all walks of life about how their life changed after having a 'well' experience with Jesus. Just like the woman of John 4:4–42 we always walk away not only changed, but transformed after an encounter with the Love of Jesus.
Podcasting since 2023 • 80 episodes
Latest Episodes
ATW - Visiting with Keadren Petrone - Part 2
SummaryIn this episode of After the Well, Melissa Lapin and Keadren Petrone explore the importance of showing up for oneself, the role of energy healing, and the holistic approach to health that encompasses body, mind, and spirit...
Season 3
Episode 5

ATW - Visiting with Keadren Petrone - Part 1
SummaryIn this episode, Melissa Lapin and Keadren Petrone discuss the importance of showing up for oneself, the metaphor of home renovation as a means of personal healing, and the significance of acknowledgment, awareness, and ac...
Season 3
Episode 4

ATW - Conversation with Miranda Grace
SummaryIn this episode, Melissa Lapin and Miranda Grace explore Miranda's journey of self-discovery, spirituality, and empowerment. They discuss the impact of childhood experiences on identity, the search for peace and understand...
Season 3
Episode 3