
ATW - Chat with Bethany Gassan

Melissa Lapin Season 2 Episode 11


In this conversation, Melissa Lapin and Bethany Gassan discuss Bethany's journey from San Diego, California to Juneau, Alaska, and her faith upbringing as a Jehovah's Witness. Bethany shares her well moment with Jesus, which occurred after a difficult breakup and a period of intense anger towards God. She describes how she screamed and yelled at God for hours, and in that moment, she heard an audible voice asking her why she blamed her problems on someone she didn't even believe in. This encounter led Bethany to reconsider her beliefs and eventually give her life to Jesus. In this conversation, Bethany and Melissa discuss the journey of faith and encountering God in different ways. They talk about the importance of personal encounters with God and how He meets us where we are. They emphasize the need for forgiveness and the freedom it brings. They also highlight the beauty of exploring different facets of the Trinity and appreciating the uniqueness of each person's relationship with God.



-Bethany Gassan shares her journey from San Diego, California to Juneau, Alaska, and how her faith upbringing as a Jehovah's Witness influenced her perspective.

-Bethany describes her well moment with Jesus, where she screamed and yelled at God for hours, and heard an audible voice questioning her beliefs.

-After this encounter, Bethany began a five-year journey of exploring her faith and eventually gave her life to Jesus.

-Bethany reflects on the presence of angels in her life and the impact of her experiences on her spiritual journey. Jesus is a gentleman and respects our boundaries, but He also woos us to the next revelation of Him.

-Forgiveness is essential for personal growth and freedom. It means not holding onto bitterness or expecting an apology.

-Encountering God is a personal and unique experience for each individual. It can happen in everyday moments and through different means, such as music or prayer.

-We should appreciate the different facets of the Trinity and not expect a cookie-cutter relationship with God.

-The journey of faith is a process, and it's important to keep walking and not get stuck in bitterness or unforgiveness.

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