
ATW - Time with Joaquin Andujo

Melissa Lapin Season 2 Episode 7

In this conversation, Joaquin Andujo shares his journey of finding identity in Jesus and the importance of experiencing God's presence. He emphasizes the value of family and community, highlighting the need to build authentic relationships. Joaquin also discusses his frustrations and the search for solutions in the current religious landscape. He emphasizes the need for both revival and reformation and encourages listeners to find their place to be rather than just belong. The conversation concludes with a reminder to embrace one's true identity and purpose in furthering the kingdom of God. The conversation explores the themes of being true to oneself, finding authenticity, the process of deconstruction, Jesus as a model of deconstruction, promoting the School of Ministry, and closing remarks.

-Give yourself permission to be who you are in this world. -Don't shortchange yourself to fit in with any group or gathering. -Deconstruction can be a positive process if it leads to rebuilding and growth. -Jesus deconstructed the old religious system to build something better.

Melissa Lapin (00:09.253)
Hey everybody, welcome to this episode of After the Well, and I'm super excited because I have the Mucha Lucha himself on here. I've been waiting all week to say that. Joaquin and Duo. And I've known Joaquin for a couple of years now through School of Kingdom.

which you guys hear me talk about almost on every podcast because all my people are from SOK. He lives in Sunray, Texas, which is like way up north in the panhandle, right? Like what? Like an hour, a couple hours north of Amarillo. Yeah. Yep. Woo. Yeah. All right. So I'm really excited about this.

Joaquin Andujo (00:42.455)
That's right.

Joaquin Andujo (00:46.562)
Yeah, an hour and a half, yes.

Melissa Lapin (00:53.593)
Joaquin, introduce yourself. And I know I just slaughtered your ministry name. So you know, your ministry name, you know, I know you're a husband to Cheyenne who will be on here in a couple of weeks as well. You got a couple of kids and they're fantastic. But I, yeah, I'm excited. So just go for it.

Joaquin Andujo (01:13.53)
Thank you. I'm excited to be on your podcast after the well. I'm excited, you know I've ever since the school of Kingdom started I've never been on so many podcasts before so this has been it's exciting But anyways, thank you for inviting me to be your guest on here and I'm excited for it And like you said, my name is Joaquin Andujo and I have a ministry called prophetas del reino and it's a Spanish ministry

Melissa Lapin (01:25.61)
Ha ha!

Joaquin Andujo (01:41.194)
And we literally we go all over You know the Hispanic communities in the US and into Latin America Mexico Central America South America and we take the message of the kingdom and we man, we just reach out to all those communities and help all of the you know people that are sitting in some sort of Religious environment and they just know that there's got to be more than what they're experiencing at the moment. And so we

we take that kingdom message and just take it everywhere and we help people, whether it's government, education, in churches, whatever area of life that you find yourself in, we can help you with the kingdom message. So that's what we do, we go all over the place and it's a lot of fun. And like you said, I'm married. Next year, 2024, will be 20 years that we've been married. Cheyenne.

Melissa Lapin (02:36.485)

Joaquin Andujo (02:38.014)
My wife is amazing. She's an amazing mom, amazing wife, and I just love her to death. And I got two daughters. I got a 13 year old. So this is our first year experiencing that true teen. And it's been fun. She's a great kid. And then we have an 11 year old that actually acts more like a teenager than the older one does. But she's great also. And along with those two girls, we have a zoo.

Melissa Lapin (02:48.869)

Joaquin Andujo (03:05.422)
Literally we have a zoo, we live on a farm, and so we have animals inside and out of the house. It's crazy the amount of pets that we have. And so it's always interesting in our household. So that's who Joaquin is, and thank you for having me on here.

Melissa Lapin (03:22.521)
was a good show talk to you later. No, I'm just kidding. Oh yeah, I'm really excited. I mean, like Scott and I, we've just fallen in love with you guys since the first time we've met you. We did dooms in or want a zoom dinner date with y'all, which we need to do again, by the way, because that was that was a lot of fun. So after the well

Joaquin Andujo (03:24.182)

Joaquin Andujo (03:37.75)

Joaquin Andujo (03:43.882)

Melissa Lapin (03:50.893)
the premise of the whole podcast and just giving people platform is for us to have a conversation around our everyday, just our everyday walk. Like there are a lot of people out there of all denominations and faith types that, you know,

really wait till Sunday before they engage with God. You know, or, you know, or my pastor said this or whatever and I'm like, well, what did God say to you? Well, we don't hear from God, you know, and all the things. So going back as far as you care or dare, what do you think was your

Melissa Lapin (04:39.449)
you know, like the woman at the well, there was a moment where she was talking with Jesus and she's like, it's obvious you know who I am. You know, so what was that moment for you and what did that, how did that impact you?

Joaquin Andujo (04:49.123)

Joaquin Andujo (04:55.99)
Man, that moment for me, I think I can pinpoint it back to 2002 when I first accepted Jesus. But I guess those probably was two months prior to that. I was living in Orlando, Florida. I graduated high school, went to, I moved to Amarillo and went to a community college there for one year. And then I just made up my mind that I wanted to get out of Texas and experience something other than what I've been in.

you know, growing up in here in Texas. And so I had a friend, he's moving to Orlando, Florida. He was gonna go become a airline pilot. And I was like, you know what? I'm gonna follow him, but I'm gonna do my own thing. And so we got an apartment and I literally just looked at a list of schools, found a trade school, I'm like graphic design, that's what I'm gonna do. And so moved to Orlando, Florida.

Melissa Lapin (05:55.181)
you go to full sale? Oh. Okay. Yeah. Scott had applied to full sale. Or was considering it. Yeah.

Joaquin Andujo (05:55.246)
started? No, but it was it was like Full Sail. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was a school named the International Academy of Design Technology. And man, I just fell in love with, you know, graphic design. Really, I fell in love with music, you know, I love the whole music side of audio production and stuff like that. And so just really dove in.

Melissa Lapin (06:08.175)

Joaquin Andujo (06:24.346)
And my roommate, he was, you know, I knew him. We graduated together here in my hometown and he kept on inviting me to church. And I always found some kind of excuse to, you know, not go on Wednesday nights or Sundays or whatever, you know. And one day I hadn't, nobody had time for me. And he invited me like every, like always, you know, every Wednesday, like, hey, you want to come to church?

And I had no excuse. I had nothing. So I'm like, you know what? I'll go. Maybe I'll get them off my back for a little bit and ended up going and started going. You know, I really enjoyed the group of people that were there and after a couple of months of hanging out, they had this group called the 20 something group. And so we were over at the pastor's house and he was a young pastor. We were just talking and I asked him the question and this is this is my

Melissa Lapin (06:53.233)

Joaquin Andujo (07:21.106)
after the well moment right here, I asked him, what do y'all have that I don't? And he goes, his answer was Jesus. And I'm like, well, I want that. And that very night, we went up to the church, of course I accepted Jesus and we ended up at the church. And there was about 70 people from the church that showed up to.

Melissa Lapin (07:26.437)
Hmm, okay.

Joaquin Andujo (07:49.902)
to celebrate my baptism with me that night. And it was amazing. It was an amazing experience. You know, it's become a very important part of my testimony. And yeah, I got, I mean, I'm glad that they did such a good job documenting that night for me. I have pictures, I have a bunch of stuff from that night still that I, you know, reflect and contemplate on often.

Melissa Lapin (07:52.753)
Oh wow, okay.

Joaquin Andujo (08:18.346)
And so that was my after the well moment. Like that night I went in with something and I came out with everything. And so that was my after the well moment.

Melissa Lapin (08:27.061)
So since then, because going to the well means you got to go every day. You know, I mean, it was this wasn't a one off event, like a conference or, and I'm not knocking them, they're good, you know, and they have their place and they're fun and all. But what are some of the times or things where

other than scripture, because not again, not while I'm knocking scripture, scripture is not valuable. There are things that Jesus tells us in our heart, you know, our rama, our interaction with him. Do you have some of those that you could talk about? Something that just keeps you going.

Joaquin Andujo (09:13.248)

You know, I think part of it is just the culture I grew up in, you know, the Latino culture, Hispanic culture, Mexican culture, if you want to get exact with it. We're very family oriented. And so everything that I do, whether it's ministry, whether it's recreation or education or whatever, whatever it is that I'm diving into, my thing is creating a family in that.

area in that atmosphere. And so it doesn't matter what I'm doing. I could be, you know, helping a friend move out of their apartment or move into a house or build a garage or whatever, you know, and whatever it is that I'm doing, I'm bringing that aspect of creating family into whatever it is that I'm doing. And so I feel like that's probably the thing that I do. And I find that connection with God in that.

because I get to build a relationship with a person that is the image and likeness of God, right? Every single human on the face of the earth is the image and likeness of God, right? And so, and that's the part that I love. I feel like I really try to emulate Jesus in this part is that it doesn't matter. They could be the most sinful person that I've ever met.

but that's still the image and likeness of God. And I want to connect with who they are and maybe even pull some of that gold, some of that goodness that God put in that person. And so whenever I step into building relationship, I go in all the way. You know, I go in expecting to be their best friend every time. And so I think that's the thing that does it for me.

Melissa Lapin (11:04.129)
Yeah. So in that understanding that because yeah, that's a huge part of the Latino culture. We live.

in a heavily populated Latino. It's very transient. Like all my neighbors have ladder trucks and lawn trucks and all the painter trucks and all the things. And we love them. Like, we really do love them. Cooking tamales out on their patio and stuff. Like, hey, don't forget me.

Joaquin Andujo (11:23.064)

Joaquin Andujo (11:27.276)

Joaquin Andujo (11:31.83)
Yeah, it's the season. It's the season right now. Tis the season of the tamales.

Melissa Lapin (11:38.681)
Yep. So share if you can some of the things that Jesus... Okay, so within your passion for family culture, because I think it's cool that

you appreciate that because there are so many people that are like, I can't wait to get out of here. And yeah, while you had your moment, you know, you thought you could run and hide in Florida, but you didn't. And you're back in Texas, which you wanted to get out of. But within that, what were some of the things personally that

Joaquin Andujo (12:10.774)

Joaquin Andujo (12:15.802)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Melissa Lapin (12:25.945)
you heard from the Lord that helped you cultivate, that became truth to you. And, you know, were there encounters that you had or things that Jesus told you that helped help solidify like, okay, yeah, family's my mountain. You know, does that make sense? Okay. Like prophetic words or something that you got.

Joaquin Andujo (12:41.716)

Yes. You know, I think...

You know, I didn't experience the prophetic until 2015. You know, and so, you know, I, we're going to use the word saved. You know, I, I was born again, um, in 2002. And so all of that time before I heard my first prophetic word. And so that's why I feel so strongly about, uh, building relationship or, you know, building

Melissa Lapin (12:53.802)

Melissa Lapin (13:00.261)

Joaquin Andujo (13:17.046)
that connection with somebody at the familial level, because I experienced that from the get-go, right? I experienced that before accepting Jesus, right? My family has always had a very tight-knit family. And so I feel like God was so gracious on, whenever I moved to Florida, that I found that over there. I found a group of people.

that adopted me into their family. And so I never missed that family piece, right? I literally stepped into a family over there. And so, and they weren't Latino. So this is how I know that family is not just a Latino thing. They were, yeah, it is, man, it is.

Melissa Lapin (13:54.641)

Melissa Lapin (14:07.821)
Yeah. It's a Jesus thing if you want to come down to it. Like when it's, people are talking about, I can't find my tribe, I can't find my tribe. Well, it's just because you're not finding Jesus. You know?

Joaquin Andujo (14:18.302)
Yeah, you know, the thing is, is like, I look at it this way is, um, I, I found something to be congruent with, right. And I resonate with family. And so I found the first thing that I could, uh, identify with, you know? And so I did, I stepped straight into tribe. And to this day, uh, we go to.

Melissa Lapin (14:36.165)
Just, yeah.

Joaquin Andujo (14:45.898)
We go about every two or three years to Florida and we do not see them. You know, they came to our wedding. They did everything right. We've become family. And I mean, it's been 20, 20 plus years since I lived there and we still do, do family stuff together, so it's, it's amazing.

Melissa Lapin (15:07.009)
So what about it?

Melissa Lapin (15:17.785)
I'm trying to word my question, the thought in my head. What is it in you that comes alive? What part of your personality comes alive with family? Like growing up in it and being a part of it, a lot of times we're just like, it's just what I do. It's just how we are. It's just how I was raised versus.

Joaquin Andujo (15:38.676)

Melissa Lapin (15:42.137)
owning your metron, owning that part of you. What did that look like for you? Was there an encounter with that? Was there or is it just something so innate in you that it just there is no one answer one moment that

Joaquin Andujo (15:59.078)
Yeah, you know, anything before I knew what the kingdom was, I call pre K, you know, pre King. And pre K. I always knew, you know, having a good time. That's what my family's always had having a good time. So pre K was just that having a good time. But now understanding the revelation of the kingdom is its joy.

Melissa Lapin (16:06.017)
Yeah. That's funny.

Joaquin Andujo (16:26.722)
Right? Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. And so whenever I found that, that thing that I could resonate with, even before I knew what kingdom was, boom, I connected, I resonated with that. And that's where I found myself in doing that, bringing joy, being in joy, and not just manifesting joy, but sitting in the joy that others were manifesting, right? Cause there's something amazing that happens. Yeah, you could...

Melissa Lapin (16:53.233)

Joaquin Andujo (16:55.626)
Manifest joy, but it's even more fun when everybody's manifesting joy and everybody gets to sit in that, you know, and so That's the thing that I go after Whenever I'm looking to create a relationship with somebody is being the joy and being in the joy and so That's that's my go-to right there Even in you know, I use this quite often especially after

Melissa Lapin (17:09.798)

Melissa Lapin (17:19.854)

Joaquin Andujo (17:25.454)
quarantine, you know, that's one of the things that was missing everywhere was joy, you know. And so guess what I did I was I was even with the mask on even with whatever I was at Walmart bringing joy. And that's what I was doing, you know, in a moment when things are tense when things are not fun, I was bringing fun to the picture. And so that's the thing that makes me click. That's the thing that

Melissa Lapin (17:30.896)

Melissa Lapin (17:35.693)
Ha ha

Joaquin Andujo (17:51.782)
If you want to, if I want to say it this way, I guess it's, it's the thing that gets me out of bed is, is being joyful.

Melissa Lapin (17:58.665)
Yeah. I've never seen you not smiling, so...

Joaquin Andujo (18:04.119)
Ha ha ha.

Melissa Lapin (18:05.413)
that's pretty cool. Um, so we're gonna stay with the whole community and finding Jesus in that what tips tricks hacks

you know for because there are a lot of people we hear it out there so much now you know i don't have community i can't find my tribe you know and that kind of thing um i'm so lonely nobody's got time you know everybody's so busy or yeah so what are some of the things that you look for in community

Joaquin Andujo (18:44.326)
Yeah, I think it would be stop looking, stop looking for a place to belong and look for a place to be.

Joaquin Andujo (18:56.47)
because I think those areas where you try to force yourself to fit, you're not going to find joy there when you're forcing yourself to fit. But if you find a place where you can be you, oh my gosh, that changes everything. I don't have to act. I don't have to put on a front. I don't have to do nothing. I just get to be me and everybody benefits.

Melissa Lapin (19:06.245)

Joaquin Andujo (19:21.602)
from me being there and I benefit from being there. And so that's the difference between trying to find a place to belong and finding a place to be.

Melissa Lapin (19:32.241)
That's a good answer. Because we do, we try to, so many times we just, we see a group we want to be a part of, and then we try to fix ourselves so that we can be in that little group. And then you get in there and you're just like, why did I do that?

Joaquin Andujo (19:47.594)
I think that's the biggest, one of the biggest successes of School of Kingdom is everybody gets to be. You get seen exactly in the condition that you start in and you never finish in the condition you start school. You end transformed, you end in freedom, you end in recognizing and understanding who God made you to be. And so that's why everybody remains in the SOK family.

Melissa Lapin (19:55.867)

Melissa Lapin (20:05.137)
Come on.

Melissa Lapin (20:17.153)
Yeah. And that's so true because I was thinking about it a month ago or so and I was actually quite sad about it. Because I'm like, okay, if there was a dire situation, like, God forbid, you know, Scott died, right? Or was in a tragic accident or one of my kids, like, I don't know who I would call. Like, locally?

Joaquin Andujo (20:17.196)

Melissa Lapin (20:48.289)
I don't have those kinds of friends, but you know who I am going to reach out to? My SOK family because I get their mindset. They're you know and yeah, I mean none of us are perfect like you're saying. I mean we're all on a journey, but understanding them because I've I guess done screen life with them.

Joaquin Andujo (20:56.054)

Joaquin Andujo (21:14.961)

Melissa Lapin (21:16.493)
because everybody's all over the country and the world actually. Um, but yeah. And, and like I created, um, I'm scattered tonight and I don't know why, but I created a, uh, intercessor prayer group for myself. And I think out of all of them, maybe two of them are local out of like 15 people. And

Joaquin Andujo (21:20.825)

Melissa Lapin (21:45.153)
I have a hard time with that because I am a quality time is my love language. So I like to hang out with people that feeds me. And while yeah video is good, there's nothing like going for a hike with somebody or hanging out with somebody. But I'm not going to sacrifice who I am and my dreams and my desires and my values to be able to hang out with somebody just because they're like quote the cool kids.

Joaquin Andujo (22:13.142)

Melissa Lapin (22:13.998)
And I think we do that a lot. And that's just like, that's not family.

Joaquin Andujo (22:21.419)

Melissa Lapin (22:23.753)
Not at all. So what else do you wanna talk about?

Joaquin Andujo (22:28.698)
And since we're on the family relationship.

Joaquin Andujo (22:36.618)
I'll share a little bit of what I just did this past weekend. I was over in Long Beach, California. I have a team member there. That's all my ministry. And we were supposed to have a conference over there and just due to circumstances and we were, we had to cancel, but I still ended up going and we still gathered the local people.

and we had an amazing gathering. And it was built around family. It was so much fun. We literally, it was so funny because without trying it ended up being kind of like the last supper. Like literally we had tables put together and we're all sitting around the table and it felt very, you know, at home. And we just had a conversation. It wasn't like, all right, everybody sit down. It's my turn to speak.

and get prepared to have your mind blown. It was not like that. It was just a conversation. Everybody was asking questions and everybody had input and everybody had value. And it was just like a family and it operated just like a family dinner. And it was so much fun. And everybody walked away that night like, man, we had church tonight.

Melissa Lapin (23:51.153)

Joaquin Andujo (24:00.894)
We had no worship, we had no presentation, we had no microphone, we had no speakers, we had none of that, right? It was just food on a table and conversation. And it was a lot of fun.

Melissa Lapin (24:11.613)
It was just the Fellowship of Saints, man.

Joaquin Andujo (24:14.582)
Oh, come on. That's it. Because I feel like, you know, Jesus really never gathered people to preach to him. Yeah, there's a few instances, right? Where he's like, he sets it up, right? But most of the time, it was like it happened around food, you know? He's like, Hey, yeah, like, these people, right? They're hungry. And so I like to do that.

Melissa Lapin (24:32.421)
Come on, he must've been Southern.

Joaquin Andujo (24:43.022)
you know, if you saw me, you would know that I like to eat. And so, you know, that, uh, that whole trip was literally based around getting together around tables. There was only one engagement that I had over there, which was a Sunday where I actually spoke at a church. The rest of the time was just doing family stuff, right? We went, we went hiking, we went sightseeing.

Melissa Lapin (24:49.585)
You're so funny.

Melissa Lapin (25:06.988)
hanging out, yeah.

Joaquin Andujo (25:10.894)
Uh, we went, we had a, uh, one dinner party and then we met up with some, uh, S okay. Fam over there too. We met up with a Roy Roberts and had dinner with him. And so everything revolved around food, you know, and fellowship. And it was awesome. It was, it was a great trip.

Melissa Lapin (25:21.711)

Melissa Lapin (25:29.645)
Yeah, I like Roy. I interviewed him. I don't think his podcast has been published next. I think that's up maybe next week. But yeah, he's good people. He's good people. Yeah, I like him.

Joaquin Andujo (25:39.534)
Yeah, yeah.

Melissa Lapin (25:47.697)
What else do you want to talk about? This is your interview. I figured you'd talk and talk and talk.

Joaquin Andujo (25:49.475)

Joaquin Andujo (25:54.135)
Oh, well, um...

I don't know, I guess we may, you can choose the, to cut this out if you want. I, raw and real man, so I'm gonna get as real as I've gotten in a long time. I haven't, I haven't spoke about this in public other to the, you know, my inner circle. I've been experiencing some frustrations lately.

Melissa Lapin (26:04.973)
Never. This is raw and real.

Joaquin Andujo (26:27.426)
Uh, and, uh, so I've been really sitting with the Lord and asking, all right, Lord, you know, why, why am I feeling these frustrations? This is not like me to be frustrated by these things. Uh, and, you know, I've been experiencing some things, uh, I've been seeing some things. Uh, and I'm not, when I say seeing things, I'm not talking about like, Oh, I saw a vision. I've just been observing things happen, um, in the natural.

Melissa Lapin (26:53.921)
In the natural? Yeah, okay.

Joaquin Andujo (26:56.926)

I went to Mexico City a few months ago and experienced some stuff and the people were excited and yes, Holy Spirit was moving. I could see the work that Holy Spirit was doing, but I was frustrated by the stewardship that was being left behind afterwards and I could just see the mess that it was going to create. And I really saw the...

the lack of apostleship that is in our religious circles. We really need people to steward the move of the Holy Spirit, otherwise, I mean, it's gonna be a wildfire, and a wildfire, although it does cause things to grow back greener afterwards, but it does destroy a bunch of things a lot of times that are good. And so, I was...

Melissa Lapin (27:34.821)

Melissa Lapin (27:52.015)

Joaquin Andujo (27:56.538)
in conversation with the Lord about these frustrations that I've been feeling and you know I keep on hearing him say like well the reason you're seeing these things is because you have an answer for that and so okay so that's what I'm digging into that's kind of where I'm focusing right now I don't know how soon I can get what the revelation is in this out but that's what I'm digging into is dealing

with the frustrations, you know, like our good friend, Drew Neil always says, you're not the problem, you're the solution. So I was, I've seen the solution. And so now it's time to dig and find the answers. Yeah, and so that's kind of what I'm digging into. And so I guess my question to you is like, have you been sensing and feeling any of that frustration where you are? Oh yeah.

Melissa Lapin (28:40.725)
and just how to execute it. Yeah.

Melissa Lapin (28:53.721)
Yeah, because I think it's like, A, we both know about the lack of emotional intelligence and the lack of spiritual intelligence and y'all listening, we are not saying that we have all the answers and we've arrived to some golden place of, you know, eliteness.

pretty close, but you know, I'm just kidding. But no, and I think that's a lot of what the pandemic has done over the last couple years has everybody is. What do you call it? D.

Joaquin Andujo (29:24.513)
That's awesome.

Joaquin Andujo (29:44.534)

Melissa Lapin (29:45.765)
Deconstructing, yeah, I hear that word thrown around a lot. Everybody's deconstructing this, and that's not at all why we stepped back. This was for a completely different reason for those listening. But you know, people have quit going to church, and I've talked to several people, and like, they have no desire to go back. And I think it is because, and you and I both know it's because of the lack of stewardship.

Not everybody's called to be a pastor. You know? I mean, just because you can get up and stand and have some good words to say does not mean you're even good leadership. And so I think for several hundred years now, especially in our country,

Melissa Lapin (30:35.961)
People in leadership, not everybody, because you can't ever really make a blanket statement. You know? But not having kingdom theology and a kingdom mindset, it's all going to be works.

you know, because you can only have a congregation fear you for so long. They're going to walk away, you know, because a lot of our denominational teachings and the theologies and all of that are, you know, if you don't go to church, you're sinning. And so, but there's not been the teaching of

Okay, let's, let's go further. Let's go past what pastor says on Sunday, you know, and I'm not even talking about charismatic because Charismania sometimes gets it wrong. And a lot of times gets it wrong because they're chasing things instead of just, like you said, hanging out with Jesus, just doing that family thing with Jesus and like minded people and going, Hey, I'm wrestling with this. We're not taught how to do that. We're not even taught how to problem solve in school anymore.

Joaquin Andujo (31:22.402)

Melissa Lapin (31:47.971)
It doesn't exist in our public school system. And so, and just in the church, especially since the pandemic, you have all these people deconstructing who want the fellowship, they want community, they want Jesus, they just don't know where to get it. You know, so I totally am seeing exactly what you're seeing with it. And

Joaquin Andujo (32:09.698)

Melissa Lapin (32:17.177)
That too is one of the reasons that, you know, we just stepped away because we're just like, okay, God, you're fixing to do something and if we stay here, we're going to miss it. And I'm talking about revival because I don't know. I don't know that ship has sailed, but how many times can you be declaring revival? Because when you revive something, it means it was dead and it needs to be resuscitated. Okay, so I think there are enough of us.

with kingdom perspective, kingdom fire in our bones, looking for other people to ignite. Does that make sense? Yeah. And so, um, that's just my two cents, because I am seeing it. I am seeing people just so hungry. But what does that scriptures talk about? Don't pray for the harvest, but pray for the harvesters? What? And that what he said?

Joaquin Andujo (32:58.518)

Joaquin Andujo (33:13.558)
Yeah. Yeah, it's the, uh, this is the harvest is plentiful, but there, uh, there are a few harvesters. Yeah.

Melissa Lapin (33:15.993)
The harvest is ripe, but the...

Melissa Lapin (33:22.313)
the Reapers are fewer, whatever it is. And that is true. That's exactly what you're sensing. So then the question needs to become, okay, what is my responsibility in that? And for me, my responsibility is that I made a podcast to give more people voice. And every day I want to quit because it's so hard to get people to commit to the podcast. Thank you for committing. But, you know,

Joaquin Andujo (33:27.328)

Melissa Lapin (33:50.733)
And where do I go from here? I want to do the retreat. Start with one day, like seminar type things and gatherings. And then eventually have retreats. I don't wanna have a whole school or anything.

Joaquin Andujo (33:53.379)

Melissa Lapin (34:06.973)
That's a lot of work. I just I'll partner with somebody who already has one, right? Because that's just not my thing. I know me. I know my metron. I am not like that. But being able to ignite other people like that and be that fire. I got several prophetic words. I went to a

Joaquin Andujo (34:11.75)

Melissa Lapin (34:29.901)
A summit, a leadership summit. I did KLM, Kingdom Leadership Summit with Melissa McCurry. So I was at our leadership summit this past weekend and I had like eight or nine prophetic words and half of them were about fire. Like in one of them, I was like, my words were fireballs, but it wasn't like the kind that destroy, it was the kind that bring life after the junk is burned away, you know? But,

Joaquin Andujo (34:53.293)

Melissa Lapin (35:01.485)
More of a more kingdom minded people need to step up and just do it. Just do whatever it is. If you trip and fall, get back up and do it again.

Joaquin Andujo (35:12.146)
Yeah, I agree. I think, I think there's been probably a struggle with the revival and with the reformation, you know, groups. I think, I think, I think when both sides realize that each side is necessary and that there's no really no division, I think it'll be, it'll

Melissa Lapin (35:39.662)

Joaquin Andujo (35:41.834)
streamline the transition because you can't remain unless you're called to be a revivalist. There's no reason that you should stay in revival, right? Once you're alive, then you should transition into reformation, right? Changing the systems, being the light in the world. And so I feel like that's one of the and I think that language is starting to come up, right? That's the revelation that's being

Melissa Lapin (35:51.683)

Melissa Lapin (36:01.346)

Joaquin Andujo (36:10.482)
I think that's why School of Kingdom is probably, you know, it's the elite school out right now because it's partnering those revivalists and also helping move people from revival into Reformation.

Melissa Lapin (36:30.113)
Yeah, for sure. Because I am basically a five-year student of Bethel. I'm an alumni of Bethel. And so I've been in the revival culture for the last 10, 12, 13 years.

Joaquin Andujo (36:40.13)

Melissa Lapin (36:48.781)
You know, our church is, well the church we just came from was a Bethel type church. Some people at Bethel are on their board of directors and stuff like that. So it's very much revival based and all that kind of stuff, which is fine. I found, I found Jesus through the revival, you know, I mean, I got saved, quote, when I was 18 and then went through all the crap of religious churches and.

Joaquin Andujo (37:08.327)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Melissa Lapin (37:17.349)
but I don't understand that's not in scripture, you know, or it's in the Bible. Why aren't we doing it? And then found that culture. But School of Kingdom amplified that to me. It didn't negate anything. It didn't go, well, bless your heart. You believe that. And I'll let you know. And so very much what you're saying that everybody, we all need each other.

Joaquin Andujo (37:31.53)

Melissa Lapin (37:47.065)
And I think that is a reason a lot of people are deconstructing is because they're just not seeing truth anywhere. They're not seeing the unity. They're not seeing.

the community values because all the churches are, bro I live in the South, so you talk about churches being against churches, you know, everybody's against everybody, and oh well that's the black church, yeah, so, you know. Why ain't there any white people there kind of thing. And, but being able to wake up enough, be quote revived enough to go, okay God, what's the more?

Joaquin Andujo (38:07.814)

Joaquin Andujo (38:29.559)

Melissa Lapin (38:29.997)
What's the more? What do you have more for me? I get this and I value this foundation. What's next? What's the more? Where do I go from here? And sorry, a bug crawling on your face.

Joaquin Andujo (38:44.542)

Melissa Lapin (38:47.905)
still. But yeah, my heart cries for that. My heart cries for community. I don't know that family is my mountain, but I've got I crave fellowship. I crave healthy, godly fellowship with people. Just not clicky. You know, I hate clicks. I hate clicks so bad. I hate excluding people.

but to be able to fellowship and hang out and talk about Jesus and talk about our own crap. And it's like, Hey man, I messed up today. Let's talk. Can we talk about this or, you know, just tired. We're all tired of the bullshit is what it is. Yeah. And Scott's not even going to beep that out. It's my podcast. Leave it in there. Yes, we can. Absolutely. And we have.

Joaquin Andujo (39:29.768)

Exactly, exactly.

Joaquin Andujo (39:41.006)
Can we say whatever we want here? Oh.

Melissa Lapin (39:46.157)
We did one the other night and I was like, um, I think you took what I said a little out of context. Let's, let's reel back in the F bombs. But it was like 2 a.m. in a hotel room. So there's that. Yeah. It's all good. Love her and I'll have her on the podcast again. It's all good. So.

Joaquin Andujo (39:54.83)

Joaquin Andujo (39:59.538)
Oh, yeah, that happens.

Joaquin Andujo (40:08.686)
Thank you.

Melissa Lapin (40:10.657)
So what, winding down here, what would you like to leave the listeners with? If you could one last thought as you ride off into the Amarillo sunset or the Texas sunset.

Joaquin Andujo (40:24.978)
You know, I think I've, what I said earlier, I've, I've never, never said, you know, that literally just came out, uh, that piece of, uh, don't find a place to belong, find a place to be. Uh, I feel some fire on that. Um,

Melissa Lapin (40:31.906)

Melissa Lapin (40:39.905)
Yeah. I'm gonna quote you.

Joaquin Andujo (40:45.184)

Joaquin Andujo (40:50.837)
The reason that's the hardest thing to do is...

is we always try to either compare or mirror the people that we find ourselves with, right? And so the most important thing to realize is that we are being transformed into the very same image of Him, of Jesus, right? And so it's who Jesus is in you, not who your best friend is, not who your wife is, not who your kids are, not who you are at work.

Melissa Lapin (41:03.066)

Joaquin Andujo (41:26.322)
It's you who you were created to be. And so I guess what I would leave the listeners with, even as you're listening to this podcast, who are you? What is the reason you exist today? And I guarantee you, it's not to be a husband, it's not to be a wife, it's not to be a son or a daughter to anybody, it's to be.

for you to bring solutions into this world to further the kingdom of God in this time, in this moment. And so whenever you begin to see the value that you bring and accept and give yourself the permission to be who God made you to be, that is the biggest piece. Last night I was speaking at my church and I told them,

The hardest thing you're gonna do is give yourself permission to be as he is. Right? I said don't get mad at me. I didn't say it. The scripture says it, right? As he is so are you in this world, 1st John 4 17. And so, hey, believe that. Be who he is in this world right now. And that's gonna make it easy. Be who you are. Be who he made you to be. And don't

Melissa Lapin (42:27.769)

Joaquin Andujo (42:52.686)
Shortchange yourself to fit in any friend group in any gathering because that's gonna draw the life out of you it's gonna suck you dry and We don't want to we don't want to find ourselves there

Melissa Lapin (43:07.481)
Well, even as you were saying, not even friend group, but denomination. You know, there are so many people that are in a church that just are miserable. They don't want to be there because there's no life, but it's where they grew up or that's where their family is. You know, I've had several conversations recently, um, with people who have

Joaquin Andujo (43:12.898)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Melissa Lapin (43:35.733)
literally had to change churches or leave their state in order to get freedom to just be what Jesus wanted them to be. And that's even without a religious

Joaquin Andujo (43:50.359)

Melissa Lapin (43:56.097)
That's a, hey, you're gonna go to this college, or you're gonna go to this school, or you're gonna live in this neighborhood. And that's scary for a lot of people to walk away from everything you've known your whole entire life. Because God is, you just feel the tug in your heart.

Joaquin Andujo (43:56.448)

Joaquin Andujo (44:02.092)

Joaquin Andujo (44:10.603)

Joaquin Andujo (44:16.518)
Yeah, you know, I think the whole deconstruction, I think deconstruction is good actually, as long as you rebuild better, you know? Nobody tears, like I'm not gonna tear into my house and leave it a wreck. You know, I'm not gonna tear walls down. I'm not gonna tear out cabinets and stuff like that without making it better than it was. And so I believe.

Melissa Lapin (44:29.333)

Melissa Lapin (44:38.083)

Joaquin Andujo (44:46.506)
that if you're going to deconstruct, and look, it's biblical people. Hebrews chapter 12, it says right there where it talks, it's like in verse 22 or something like that, somewhere towards the end of the chapter. And it says everything of the kingdom was anything that is not of the kingdom was shaken and torn down. Right. And so look at your life, reevaluate your life.

Melissa Lapin (44:52.717)
Yeah, come on.

Joaquin Andujo (45:14.182)
and find where the kingdom is, the piece of the kingdom that you have, tear everything else down, and build upon the good, solid kingdom piece in you. And you will find a place to be, not a place to belong.

Melissa Lapin (45:32.977)
That's good word right there, bro. Cause it's true. And just because you're deconstructing doesn't mean you are a big failure.

or that you don't care or what you know because there's a lot of that i think there's a lot of accusation going around oh well they just they're forsaking the fellowship of the like no they're just tired of your bullshit so they walked off you know if everybody's leaving your church and you're still there you're probably the reason you know kind of thing but

Joaquin Andujo (46:02.638)
Yeah, exactly.

Joaquin Andujo (46:11.639)
Yeah, look, Jesus deconstructed. Remember he tore down, he tore down the whole temple and said, I will build it back better. There you go.

Melissa Lapin (46:14.353)
Come on. Yeah, he did. Yep, he did. He did. Well, that's cool. I don't, we're not gonna pull a pannier and have 12 closings. Ha ha ha.

So, inside joke, you gotta go to School of Kingdom if you wanna know what that come from.

Joaquin Andujo (46:35.618)
That's funny.

Joaquin Andujo (46:40.278)
Yeah. You know, I, uh, I went with him last November, uh, to Peru. And, uh, oh my gosh, we, uh, it's funny. I was on Facebook and I was taking pictures of them. I took like five different pictures and like every three minutes I would post, all right, here's closing number six. And then I would wait a few minutes and closing number eight. And it was pretty funny.

Melissa Lapin (46:46.671)

Melissa Lapin (47:07.173)
So good, so good. Well, thank you for being on here. I appreciate it, yeah. And you have a website and information for your PDR. I'm gonna try to pronounce it.

Joaquin Andujo (47:12.322)
Thank you for inviting me.

Joaquin Andujo (47:23.03)
I yeah, it's a prophet us del and you can find info about the school. I have a school of ministry there. Um, and so if you have any Latino or Hispanic friends that want to find who they are in the kingdom, I will help them find who, who Jesus made them to be in the kingdom. And so connect them to me.

Melissa Lapin (47:28.238)

Joaquin Andujo (47:53.142)
I'm also on Facebook and Instagram and so check me out there and you can find me both Profetas del Reino and Joaquin Andujo so however you like connect with me and I guarantee you in no time we'll be at family status. Yes.

Melissa Lapin (48:05.111)

Melissa Lapin (48:11.669)
Yes, and laughing and full of joy. Eating some carne somewhere. Some meat. Some steak. So, all right. Yeah, I guess I don't have anything else either. So, any information for Joaquin will be in the show notes. We'll have all the links and everything for that written down for you. If you heard anything that

Joaquin Andujo (48:20.286)
Thank you.

Melissa Lapin (48:41.025)
you have a question about, you want to talk about, hit either one of us up, you know, doesn't matter who said it, we can both talk it out with you and point you in the right direction if we don't have the answers, not that we have all the answers, but, and we're humble enough to say that. It's like, I don't know, let me ask Joe. Ha ha ha.

Joaquin Andujo (48:57.802)
Yes, exactly. Yep.

Melissa Lapin (49:00.373)
You know, so if this is your first time listening to the podcast, thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed it. If you're a repeat listener, thanks for coming back. And I really, really appreciate everyone listening. Yeah, that's all I have for tonight. So thanks again, Joaquin, for being on here. I really, really appreciate it. It was good to hang out with you again. All right. Take it easy, everybody.

Joaquin Andujo (49:23.562)
Yeah, likewise. Thank you. It's a pleasure.

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